It's the New Year, now quit eating and start walking!
*****Read on UnPCMama, I am referring to my bad habits in the title, this is not another rant post*****
Time to stop indulging. So hard. Sigh. Have to get back on track to lose another 5 lbs of pregnancy fat. I swear if I do it again (not saying I will, just saying...) I will eat less so it is not such a struggle 18 months later. If only I had curbed my appetite a little I might be back to pre-pregnancy size by now. Ah well, back to lower carbs and more exercise!
Summary of our holidays:
1. Lots of family visits, drinking, friends etc. Lovely time Christmas Eve at our place with friends. We all paid for it with the flu bug which entered through some vector that evening. Christmas day fun here, presents were crazy, my boy not interested at all in unwrapping anything, content to zip around grandparents playing with every new thing that came out of shiny paper. Passed on the flu bug,.
2. Dec 26-29 Everyone sick with various stages of severity. Upset stomach, feeling of exhaustion, throwing up. In Mom's case hospitalization because she needed more medication (she has Addison's disease and diabetes).
3. A period of indecision about visiting Mr W's relatives in Vernon. Bought new tires and then couldn't afford to go, but couldn't have gone without new tires. Gaahhh. Stayed here, got cabin fever because we needed to get out and it was raining. Tried to overcome but so hard when dark and rainy! Mr W and I spent some along time shopping one day after dropping boy off at grandparents place, that was nice and helped a bit.
4. I am writing a proposal for work. So need work. So don't know what will do with boy if I get it. Will have to juggle something with Mr W's work. If get it will be super busy for a few months but it will be worth it. Don't know if I have a chance, am highly qualified (it doesn't require a PhD let alone 3 of them, because my team has 2 other PhDs on it), but everyone needs work these days.
That's about it. Started knitting Sunday Socks and am enjoying the challenge and short-term results of it.